Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Rabbit Always Shedding

All rabbits shed twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall. the process is unavoidable, as the rabbit sheds his heavy winter coat to prepare for warmer weather, and again, sheds his thinner summer coat in preparation for cold weather.. My rabbit seems to always be shedding. his fur looks like it needs to be brushed but if i brush him it creates a huge bald patch. i don't know what to do! in the picture you can see it's dark around his shedding areas. it seems to always look like that! any help on what to do is very appreciated!. Normal shedding: proper care a healthy rabbit will usually change her coat twice a year. if all things are normal, the shed areas will regrow fur as the old coat falls out. some unfortunate rabbits seem to shed all the time..

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Rabbits will always have some hair in their gastrointestinal systems, but unlike cats, rabbit cannot vomit. therefore, if they do develop a hairball, it can become a large mass of tangled hair and ingesta (food in their stomach), and it can completely block the pyloric juncture (exit in the stomach).. As all rabbit owners are aware, rabbits moult (often referred to as shedding) regularly. initially when rabbits are young, their baby coat is replaced at around 5 months by a transitional coat. after this, the rabbit�s adult coat will develop and from here on, rabbits generally moult twice a year (spring and autumn).. My rabbit doesn't shed... but he molts a few times a year. it comes out in clumps and he will eat it! i'm always fighting gi stasis, even though i brush him constantly. he does stress during molting, so i give him more love. also, the furiminator is an amazing tool! it is expensive, but worth every penny..

rabbit always shedding